You're better off going to my education blog, (; this blog is suffering from lack of maintenance.

Quicktag Modification

While I haven’t done a lot of modification to the default WordPress 1.5 install, there are a few things I’ve changed that I rather enjoy.

After looking at a Rambling Thought, I figured a way to make the “more” Quicktag even better. I left a comment about this on Neerav’s site; I can only assume that it’s awaiting moderation right now.
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Sanctity? They Don’t Know The Meaning…

Without going into the obvious rants about the Schiavo case, I want to hit on a few things that I’ve only heard mentioned a few times.
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Lebanese Women

So, I’ve read a few blog posts about attractive Lebanese women gracing the covers of magazines. They all miss the point. Wait while I drag out my soapbox and clear my throat…
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It’s The System, Stupid

Call it what you will, justify it all you want, when you get a pink slip (even when it’s printed on white paper) it will still feel like you aren’t good enough. It will feel like all of your work has been for nothing. Those late nights you stayed to get the last little bit finished? Meaningless. Those hours that you poured over material for tomorrow, making sure everything is perfect and ready? Insignificant. All the lunch hours you didn’t eat in favor of staying at your job to help out those people that desperately needed your help? You should have gone to SubWay. All the time you wish you could have spent with your family, but instead was spent with papers and a red pen, grading, evaluating, and editing work? Apparently, you made the wrong decision. Read more of “It’s The System, Stupid