January, 2006


The February 2006 edition of National Geographic Magazine has a cover story devoted to love. It begins with a short-short story of the author’s wedding day. Lauren Slater does a great job with narrative and description, really throughout the piece but particularly with that beginning story. That’s what made me think of writing some short-short stories. I’ve thought of putting together a short story collection for a long time, but all I keep writing are these really brief beginnings of things. Writing a story much longer than 2 or 3 pages seems daunting and I never get much further. If I take those beginnings and tighten things up a bit, I’d have a fair amount of short-short stories and… Anyhow, here’s today’s effort.
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Walter And The Amazing Pipes

My bathroom sink sits, draining terribly slowly. This happened quite suddenly and right now I can’t even hear the faintest whisper of the water swirling down the drain. I’ve tried the plunger and some microbiotic drain cleaner that’s always my first defense. Nothing’s happened. I started to wonder what I would do if I could never unplug it. What if all my drains were stopped up? What if I couldn’t find a plummer? This beginning of a story popped into my head shortly after that.
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